Word in Action Natal is a Camp Ministry who organizes Christian Evangelical weekend breakaways in Kwa Zulu Natal.

We focus on woman, men, couples and youth evangelism.


MISSION – To share the message of the “Perfect law of liberty” and the “Message of Righteousness” with as many people as possible

VISION – To expose people to the message of Liberty and Righteousness through means of weekend camps. To bring people into a close relationship with the living God. To bring the Word of God into action into peoples lives. To send people to be true witness bearers of the God, planted to be as trees of righteousness. (Isa 61:3)

Daar is iets omtrent omring wees deur grasgroen hemel-hoë berge versier met diepe valleie wat die grootheid van God aan mens se hart openbaar. Die oomblik wat jy daar staan en die natuur se stille vrede oor jou spoel en jou gees verkwik weet jy ongetwyfeld – God is hier. So was dit by Mike’s Pass naby Cathedral Peak waar ons die Woord In Aksie leierskamp gehad het. In so stukkie paradys is dit maklik om Sy aangesig te soek en jouself in Hom te verloor en Sy stem te hoor.

[vc_button title=”LEES MEER” target=”_self” color=”btn-success” icon=”wpb_heart” size=”btn-large” href=”https://woordinaksienatal.co.za/testimonial/god-is-hier/”]

Ons was so bevoorreg om ‘n naweek in ‘n asemrowende omgewing deur te bring. Ons was by Mike’s Pass by Cathedral Peak in KwaZulu-Natal.

Die oggend vyf-uur het ons met Mike’s Pass tot heel bo gegaan en daar die HERE geloof en geprys. Terwyl ons bid, breek die son deur en skyn op ons. Die hitte was net so tasbaar soos God se teenwoordigheid daar op die koppie..

[vc_button title=”LEES MEER” target=”_self” color=”btn-success” icon=”wpb_fire” size=”btn-large” href=”https://woordinaksienatal.co.za/testimonial/nou-sien-ek-ten-dele/”]